Application for Manaaki Fund

The Manaaki Fund provides temporary financial assistance to alleviate hardship for learners studying at Open Polytechnic who are facing financial barriers to continuing their study.

Hardship comes in the form of financial challenges faced by learners that affects their ability to access and continue with their study.

Learners who are enrolled and engaged in study and are experiencing hardship can apply to the fund for financial support to assist with:

  • essential living costs, such as food, utilities (including internet), rent, accommodation, medical fees, transport, clothing or other unexpected expenses;
  • travel costs related to study;
  • some costs incurred by family members if the learner is a main source of income in their family and help with those costs will support the learner to continue with their study.

The fund cannot be used to cover course fees, study-related costs such as textbooks or to purchase equipment such as devices or computers, travel for recreational activities.

To be eligible for the fund, Open Polytechnic learners applying must meet and accept all conditions.

Applicants must:

  • be currently enrolled and actively engaged in your studies.
    • This is determined through engagement with course materials in your iQualify course and/or submission of assessments.
  • provide evidence of your bank account number with your name on it
  • complete all sections of the application form and provide evidence of the related financial hardship or need. Evidence may include:
    • a particular bill (e.g., power, phone)- attach your most recent bill
    • dental work or glasses - attach the quote
    • rent - attach your lease agreement
    • travel costs – attach details of travel and other costs
    • any other documentation that will help us understand your financial situation.
      e.g. You may provide a recent bank statement if you think that supports your application.
  • Te Pūkenga Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff are not eligible for the funding

Failure to provide evidence of your bank account number with your name will delay your application from being processed if approved.

Applications are confidential and will be considered by the Open Polytechnic | Te Pūkenga Manaaki Committee. We may call you to discuss your application if more information is needed.

We make every effort to allocate this Te Pūkenga Manaaki funding responsibly, fairly, and equitably, aligned with the purpose, to ease short term financial hardship for enrolled ākonga.

There is no guarantee that financial support will be approved or that you will receive the amount of funding requested.

You will be notified of the outcome of your application by email. 

Funding for approved applications will be paid directly into the bank account belonging to the learner as soon as practicable and within the next 30 days.

Applications to the fund will be received until 12 December 2024 or until the fund has been allocated.

We are required to keep records and report details of the funding allocated to Te Pūkenga.

Other useful links:


Getting help with your budget | New Zealand Government

Sorted - How to plan a budget

Scholarships | Awards | Financial Assistance | Open Polytechnic NZ

 If you have any questions, please email: 

Personal Details

Please share your personal details below

Home address
Address not showing? enter it manually.
Start typing your address - we'll look it up in the NZ Post database.
Want to automatically find a NZ address? - look it up.
Do you have any dependents/children?

Reasons for Assistance

Are you the main source of income in your household?


Instructions for uploading a document to a form

Please provide your details bank account number and name; and any other relevant supporting documentation / evidence related to the support you are requesting e.g. the most recent bill to help us consider your application.



You must consent to the conditions outlined on this form and in the declaration below:

By submitting this application, I consent to the information provided being used for the purpose of assessing and reporting to Te Pūkenga, on my eligibility for temporary financial assistance from the Manaaki Fund for learners at Open Polytechnic.

* I acknowledge that the storage and use of the information I provide is regulated by the Privacy Act 2020.
* I hereby declare that the information that I have given is true and correct and that no information which could have a material bearing on my application has been withheld.
* I understand that making of a false declaration could be an offence under the Crimes Act 1961


Please 'Submit' to complete your application. All applicants will receive a response by email within 10 days of submission.