Application to resit an examination

To apply for an examination resit please complete and submit this form. Applications must be received no later than 20 working days after the date of official notification of course results.

You will receive an automated email response on the successful submission of this form.
You will be notified of the decision by email 15 working days after the closing date. 

Eligibility Criteria to Resit Examinations

You must have successfully completed all the in-course summative work for the course and achieved an average mark of not less than 40%. You must also meet any special requirements stated in specific programme regulations.

The course has not been redeveloped and/or weightings for the in-course summative assessments and final examination have not changed.

You may apply to re-sit an examination only once per enrolment in that course.

Applications must be accompanied by the prescribed fee - applications cannot be paid for by student loan.

If for any reason you are found to be ineligible to resit the final examination(s) in your nominated course you will be notified in writing. The fee will be refunded in full.

You may withdraw your application and be refunded the fee paid by writing to the Academic Registrar at least 20 working days before the date of the resit examination. Send your email to

The resit fee is $250 per course and can be paid by internet banking or credit card. 

If you have any questions please contact Academic Registry by email or on 0508 650 200.

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Please note if you are seeking an examination resit for more than one course you must make separate submissions using this form.

Please click SUBMIT when you have completed this form