Kua Hii Ake te Ata - Study Award
Tēnā koutou katoa,
Kei a mātau he pūtea moni hei awhi i ngā tauira Māori. Ko te tūmanako ka whai mai koutou e hiahia ana ki tēnei momo āwhina.
We are pleased to offer our Māori students the opportunity to apply for financial assistance. We hope those of you interested will apply here.
Our Kua Hii Ake te Ata Study Awards are aimed at encouraging and supporting our Māori students towards completing a Level 4 or above qualification.
How to apply
Applications are now open for the Kua Hii Ake te Ata Study Awards 2025.
Complete the application form below and submit it by:
- 30 July for stage 1 or
- 30 November 2025 for stage 2.
All applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application by email.
Criteria and conditions
Applicants must:
- be currently enrolled at the Open Polytechnic
- have successfully completed courses towards achieving a Level 4 or above qualification e.g. at least half of a diploma (minimum 3 courses) or a full year of degree study (6 courses)
- provide proof of New Zealand Māori heritage
- provide evidence of financial need. You will be asked to briefly describe how the Study Award will assist you financially
- agree to the Terms and Conditions laid out at the bottom of the application form.
Pātai Mai
If you have any questions about this scholarship contact the Māori Office by phone or email:
- Freephone 0508 650 200
- Email: maorioffice@openpolytechnic.ac.nz.
Nāku te rourou, Nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi.
With my contribution and your contribution everyone will prosper.
Application form