Pharmacy Verifier Form

Thank you for agreeing to be a pharmacist verifier on behalf of the pharmacy applicant.

The Open Polytechnic requires the details of the applicant's pharmacist verifier for the application to progress.

The verifier is the person who will verify work-based study tasks that may make up some of the assessments. The Open Polytechnic can discuss the student’s enrolment status and academic progress with the verifier.

The student’s enrolment cannot be completed until this verification form has been returned.

If you have further questions, please contact

Applicant details

Verifier obligations

This programme requires the student to have a workplace verifier who can supervise the student completing tasks where verification is required.

The verifier is the person who will verify work-based study tasks that may make up some of the assessments. The Open Polytechnic can discuss the student’s enrolment status and academic progress with the verifier.

General information on the role of a verifier

1. The work place verifier must be a registered pharmacist and should be someone the trainee meets with on a regular basis to discuss progress of their study.

2. When required, the verifier should be able to verify the student’s written work is an accurate account of what happened in the work place and that any practical tasks have been completed following Standard Operating Procedures and requirements of the workplace.

3. The verifying pharmacist must understand the student's assessment tasks, and the standard of evidence needed for assessments.

4. They should work with the student to ensure evidence meets the standard required.

If you have further questions, please contact

Your details

Verifier declaration